
2018  Association of Medical Illustrators AMI Salon - Newton, MA
           Award of Excellence in Interactive Media for High Impact Inc. “Digital Injury Summary of Jane Doe”

2009  International Museum of Surgical Sciences - Chicago, IL
            “Redefining the Medical Artist” - Group Exhibition
2009  AMI Salon - Richmond, Va
            Student Exhibition
2009  Armitage Lecture Series at University of Illinois at Chicago - Chicago, IL
            Student Exhibition
2008  Oakton College Artist Exhibition - Des Plaines, IL
            Student and Faculty Exhibition

2006  Framing Mode and Gallery - Chicago, IL
            “Dressed in Black” - Group Exhibit - Art exploring the “Darkside”

2005  Framing Mode and Gallery - Chicago, IL
            “Pleasure Little Treasures” - Group Exhibit - Paintings and Illustrations
2005  Northeastern Illinois University - Chicago, IL
            Juried Student Exhibition - Group exhibit juried by Diane Simpson

2005  Elaine L. Jacob Gallery - Detriot, MI
            Regional Printmaking Exhibition - Group exhibit
2004  Northeastern Illinois University - Chicago, IL
           “Etchings” - Solo exhibit